
Vantage Influencers Podcast – How to Build a Positive Company Culture?

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Vantage Influencers Podcast

Susmita Sarma from Vantage Influencers Podcast recently interviewed Keith Herman, a podcast that helps HR improve and enhance its responsibilities in the corporate environment.

In a recent interview with Vantage HR Influencers Podcast, Keith Herman shared his views and tips on building a positive company culture. Being the founder of IPA Equities and successfully scaling more than fifty SMEs during his career, Keith opens up about the work environment in companies.

Importance of Good Company Culture

In the Vantage Influencers Podcast, Susmita Sarma asks Keith about the importance of good company culture in today’s time. Keith Tells how the survival of a company depends on its work culture. He believes that the work culture is the catalyst for growth in businesses. It is like the most powerful competitive weapon for any firm.

According to Keith, people love a work environment filled with positivity and friendliness. He also believes that a positive work culture improves the working efficiency of the employees. They perform better and become more productive. Overall, good company culture will produce better results for everyone.

What Is the Foundation of Good Company Culture?

In the next section of the interview with Vantage Influencers Podcast, Susmita from Vantage Influencers Podcast discusses laying the right foundation for good company culture. Keith elaborates on the centralized and non-centralized work cultures in most organizations. He also states that ‘Respect’ is the most essential quality for forming an excellent company culture.

Other than this, Keith believes open-mindedness and tolerance are two other foundation qualities required. Employers who are open and adjustable often form better teams and work cultures. Susmita and Keith also discuss making work culture better during this pandemic, where most people work remotely. Susmita throws light on the ‘Start-up Boom’ initiative of the American government.

Keith tells how he feels that remote workers and freelancers work as a part of the team but often miss the corporate environment. He believes in empowering others and not just motivating them to do better. Employers must keep their employees happy and help them succeed, even on a personal level.

Vantage Influencers Podcast: Is Feedback Culture Necessary?

Many organizations today are choosing a feedback culture in their organizations. When asked about the same, Keith tells how feedback culture is invaluable to any organization. He finds two-way communication as the best way of improving the work environment.

Keith also shares his philosophy in Vantage Influencers Podcast about friendly feedbacks. He says, ‘If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.’

So, feedbacks are crucial for organizations to offer a great company culture. It helps everyone improve and in the overall improvement of the company.

How Can Companies Better Utilize the Pandemic Time?

Susmita asks Keith about ways of improving relationships during the time of lockdown. Keith answers by saying that communication should not stop even in remote work. He suggests employers spend more time with employees and talk to them openly.

Remote work has made everyone distant, and communication is the only way of keeping the bond alive. Keith also emphasizes that anyone can give resources and knowledge to people. However, employees value time more than anything.

Vantage Influencers Podcast: Top Company Culture Trends of 2021

In the end, Susmita and Keith discuss the upcoming trends in the work culture on the Vantage Influencers Podcast. On a lighter note, Keith believes that casual dressing should be one of the best trends in the future. He also thinks that remote working might get permanent as most companies have learned to live with less. Another work culture trend will be diversity in organizations.

Keith again emphasizes how employers need to spend more time in improving work culture and not overlook it. Moreover, employers should nurture and help people grow by forming a family environment. Today, we have become a very automated corporate culture, and we have lost personal connections.

Keith asks employers to work and promote company culture for a better return on investments. He asks HR to look for new opportunities, as it is the best time to do so.

To listen to the full Vantage Influencers Podcast, click on the given links below 👇

Spotify: https://lnkd.in/ezurwxF

Vantage Circle Podcasts: https://lnkd.in/epKmwbW

YouTube: https://lnkd.in/eUjmk6F